Shuumatsu No Harem Episode 8 \/\/FREE\\\\
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Shuumatsu no Harem Episode 8
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The series has inspired two additional manga series also written by LINK, titled World's End Harem: Fantasia and World's End Harem: Britannia Lumiére, respectively. Two audio dramas were released in May 2017 and August 2021. A virtual reality game adaptation developed by DMM Games was released in March 2019. An anime television series adaptation by Studio Gokumi and AXsiZ premiered its first episode in October 2021 and resumed from January to March 2022.
In May 2020, it was announced that the series would receive an anime television series adaptation.[29] The series was animated by Studio Gokumi and AXsiZ, with YÅ« Nobuta as the director and Tatsuya Takahashi as the scriptwriter.[30][31] Masaru Koseki designed the characters, while Shigenobu Ookawa composed the series' music.[32] The first episode of the series premiered on October 8, 2021,[33] while later episodes were delayed to January 2022 due to a need to "closely examine" the anime's production. The series resumed airing on Tokyo MX, BS Fuji, and AT-X from January 7 to March 18, 2022, starting from the first episode.[34][35][36][37] The opening theme is "Just Do It" performed by H-el-ical//, while the ending theme is "Ending Mirage" performed by EXiNA.[38]
The series received a mixed reception from critics. While it was praise for its unique approach to the harem genre, it was also criticized for its semi-apocalyptic setting, with many reviewers feeling it "didn't fit the harem format".[56] Maxwell Freedman of Comic Book Resources stated, "The harem genre has long been controversial. Criticism ranges from trashy and repetitive right down to damnable and misogynistic. World's End Harem doesn't do a whole lot to counter these criticisms, but it does have some deceptive depth. As the manga goes on, it becomes increasingly psychological, exploring the dystopian ramifications of a female-only future instead of simply glorifying it as a male paradise. This doesn't change the fact that the majority of the manga's appeal is, of course, in the fanservice."[57] 041b061a72